La Santa Muerte. Angel of Death

Ebook La Santa Muerte. Angel of Death Mateusz La Santa Muerte Poland

Mateusz La Santa Muerte Poland
5,66 zł
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Opis treści

La Santa Muerte, Most Holy Death, Angel of Death, Bony Lady, Archangel of Light, Holy Death, la Flaquita, la Niña Blanca, Our Holy Lady, The Most Beautiful Girl, Mother Death, White Rose.

Many people can easily see the growing popularity of la Santa Muerte.

The number of Her images is amazing - a skeleton dressed in feminine robes holding a scythe in one hand and the globe in the other, covered with white makeup, the face of a beautiful hooded women or veiled skull appear on T-shirts, tattoos, graffiti, movies, figurines, stickers, jewelry, drinks and even sweets.

Along with the increase of Her popularity in pop culture, the figure of the Holy Death is better and better recognized all over the world.

There are few materials about la Santa Muerte in Poland.

The book contains basic informations about la Santa Muerte, which can be helpful to people who want to get to know Her.

I present who la Santa Muerte is and the cult of the Angel of Death according to Catholic tradition, as I was taught and how I first met la Nuestra Señora worship through my Mexican friends and associates in Tarragona, Spain.

Book is an introduction to la Santa Muerte’s path of devotion, the basis for working with Our Lady, and contains informations which everyone can develop to strengthen their bond with la Niña Hermosa, the Most Beautiful Girl.

Szczegóły ebooka La Santa Muerte. Angel of Death

Wydawnictwo e-bookowo
Rok wydania:
Typ publikacji:
Mateusz La Santa Muerte Poland
Liczba Stron:
Czas realizacji zamówienia:
Do 10 min

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