Local Government in Selected Central and Eastern European Countries

ebook Local Government in Selected Central and Eastern European Countries

Wydawca: UMCS
Rok wydania: 2016
Opis Spis treści Szczegóły Recenzje

This publication responds to the need to summarize 25 years of transition and reform of local government in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe. It brings the current problems and challenges faced by local government closer to the reader. The book will contribute to the dissemination of knowledge and will be a valuable source of information about the process of decentralization and changes in the functioning of local government. The target group of this publication includes students, researchers, activists and government employees, and anyone interested in the state of local democracy.
An excerpt from the review by Marcin Sakowicz

Spis treści ebooka Local Government in Selected Central and Eastern European Countries

Preface 9

The shape and conditions of the development of local government in selected countries in Central and Eastern Europe 13
Zbigniew K. Wójcik Origins of Local Government in the Third Polish Republic: Issues in Outline 15
Rafał Boguszewski 25 Years of Polish Self-Governance in the Perspective of Social Evaluation and Civic Engagement 43
Juraj Nemec, Michal Plaček, Lucie Sedmihradská, Jana Soukopová Local Government in the Czech Republic 55
Gábor Dobos Changing Local Relations: Effects of the 2010–2014 Political and Administrative Reforms in Hungary 73
Daniel Klimovsky, Beata Mikusova Merickova, Juraj Nemec, Maria Murray Svidronova Local Government in Slovakia: Selected Issues 91
Iztok Rakar, Maja Klun Local Government Reform in Slovenia – Organizational and Financial Dimension 117
Mariusz W. Sienkiewicz The Process of Shaping of Local Government in Poland After the Transition Period 137
Adrienn Reisinger The Role of the Local Governments in the Active Democracy – Some Research Findings About Győr (Hungary) 151

Legal, organizational and financial aspects of functioning of local government 165
Agnieszka Ziółkowska Access to Public Information in the Auxiliary Units of Local Government. Selected Issues 167
Aleksandra Chlebicka The Role of Regional and Local Government in Rural Development in Poland – Past Experience and Challenges Ahead 181
István Stumpf Adversity of the Hungarian County (Regional) Level and Local Self Governments 191
Valentyna Ilganayeva Local Government Management from the Perspective of Strengthening of the Communication Aspects of the Activity 201
Paulina Bieś-Srokosz Influence of Government Agencies on Local Government Units. Selected Issues 219
Jerzy Krzyszkowski, Justyna Przywojska Government vs Governance in Social Policy. The Case of Poland 233
Marek Kuźmicki, Małgorzata Wasilewska The Support of Lublin Accommodation and Catering Enterprises by Territorial Government Units in the Years 2007–2013: A Comparative Analysis 249
Małgorzata Ofiarska Limits of the Law-Making Autonomy of a Municipality in Creating and Defining the Organization and Scope of Operation of Auxiliary Units in Urban Municipalities and Cities 261
Anna Świrska General Subsidy from the State as a Financial Support for Local Governments (LGU). Case of Poland 277
Zbigniew Ofiarski Poland’s Local Government Own Revenues – in Terms of the Constitution, the Doctrine and the Case Law of the Constitutional Tribunal 297
Małgorzata Ofiarska Communal Auxiliary Units – Structural Concept and Directions for Development 317
Dorota Strus Local Programs of Environmental Protection as the Examples of Instruments Implementing the Environmental Polic 335
Żaklina Skrenty Tenure versus Stability of Executive Power in the Municipality 347
Anna Hołda-Wydrzyńska Place Brand as a Tool of Building Competitive Advantage. Place Branding – Conception and Consideration 359
Andrzej Mirski Territorial Marketing and Brand Building of Local Government Unit 375

Biographical Notes of the Authors 391

Szczegóły ebooka Local Government in Selected Central and Eastern European Countries

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Katarzyna Kuć-Czajkowska,Mariusz Wiktor Sienkiewicz
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