Constitutional conditions for the functioning of local self-government in Poland

Ebook Constitutional conditions for the functioning of local self-government in Poland Piotr Rączka, Karolina Rokicka-Murszewska, Maciej Serowaniec, Jacek Wantoch-Rekowski

Piotr Rączka, Karolina Rokicka-Murszewska, Maciej Serowaniec, Jacek Wantoch-Rekowski
26,55 zł
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Opis treści

The present monograph, which is dedicated to the constitutional conditions of local self-government, is primarily devoted to the analysis of the legal solutions in force in the Republic of Poland. The aim of these solutions is to create an administrative structure capable of performing public tasks, in compliance with the constitutional provisions and taking into account the basic doctrinal assumptions concerning decentralised entities, including local self-government.The authors try to answer the question whether the present specific solutions take into account these conditions and, at the same time, guarantee the proper implementation of decentralised public tasks within the structures of local self-government currently operating in Poland.

Szczegóły ebooka Constitutional conditions for the functioning of local self-government in Poland

Wydawnictwo Naukowe UMK
Rok wydania:
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ISBN wersji papierowej:
Piotr Rączka,Karolina Rokicka-Murszewska,Maciej Serowaniec,Jacek Wantoch-Rekowski
Miejsce wydania:
Liczba Stron:
Czas realizacji zamówienia:
Do 10 min

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