Discourse Linguistics and Beyond, vol. 5, Types of Discourse via Applied Research

Ebook Discourse Linguistics and Beyond, vol. 5, Types of Discourse via Applied Research

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The notion of discourse type is directly linked to the notion of discourse community: while discourse type represents the thematic (referential) component of discourse production, discourse community represents its social context. What is specific about discourse revealing its transformational nature is that the relations between the form and the content of the unit studies are reciprocal. While discourse community starts to be the thematic center of research, discourse type starts to play the role of its social context. With this logics we can accept both units of research – discourse type and discourse community – as central and equally important for the field of Discourse Linguistics. With this angle of vision in mind, discourse type and discourse community in their interrelation are specified as the object of a research discussion opened in volume 5.

Spis treści ebooka Discourse Linguistics and Beyond, vol. 5, Types of Discourse via Applied Research

Table of Contents
Preface to Volume 5 7
Round Table 1. Online Discourse: Representation of Institutional and Discourse Community Practices
Mediator’s Introductory Words – Joanna Senderska, Alena Savich 15
Tereza Klabíková Rábová, Soňa Schneiderová, Ladislav Janovec – Czech Corporate Website Discourse at the Beginning of the 21st Century: Methodological Perspective 17
Alena Savich – Online Lobbying Campaigns. New Media – New Discourse? 42
Lioudmila Kourchak – Online Employment Discourse as a Research Object 58
Michał Robak – Discourse of Mediators of a Vegan E-Community
(a Polish case study) 71
Concluding Notes on Round Table 1 88
Round Table 2. Political, Public and Media Types of Discourse: Applied Theory and Research
Mediators’ Introductory Words – Ekaterina Vasilenko and Irina Oukhvanova 93
Ekaterina Vasilenko – Gender-Biased Hate Speech Functioning in Media: Factor-Production Specifics (a Belarusian case study) 95
Magdalena Hądzlik-Białek – Hate Speech and Swearing in Contemporary Society (a Polish case study) 105
Tatiana Krasnova – Russian History-Rooted Probolshevist Discourse: Multitheoretical and Applied Perspectives 117
Tereza Klabíková Rábová – Media Discourse of the EU Council Presidency (a Francophone research perspective) 132
Vera Ustinovich– Preamble as a Spoken Discourse Unit: Analysing TV and Radio Debate Content Applying M.-A. Morel & L. Danon-Boileau’s Approach (a French case study) 147
Patrycja Kubicha – Persuasion in Political Discourse: Election Manifesto of the UK Conservative Party 158
Concluding Notes on Round Table 2 167
Round Table 3. Professional Discourse as an Object of Applied Research Discussion
Mediator’s Introductory Words – Yuliya Bekreyeva 171
Tatyana Chernyshova, Evgeniya Klink – Applied Philology and Linguistic Expertise: Practical Steps to Extending Discipline Borders 173
Katarzyna Oberda – Family Mediation as a Special Type of Discourse: Structural Categories and Their Representation 185
Soňa Schneiderová – Czech Academic Style in the Context of European and Anglophone Writing 196
Concluding Notes on Round Table 3 208
Post-Editorial Comments 211
Volume Contributors 213

Szczegóły ebooka Discourse Linguistics and Beyond, vol. 5, Types of Discourse via Applied Research

Uniwersytet Jana Kochanowskiego
Rok wydania:
Typ publikacji:
ISBN wersji papierowej:
Irina Oukhvanova,Joanna Senderska
Liczba Stron:
Czas realizacji zamówienia:
Do 10 min

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