Linguistica Silesiana, vol. 31

ebook Linguistica Silesiana, vol. 31

Wydawca: Universitas
Rok wydania: 2010
Opis Spis treści Szczegóły Recenzje

Linguistica Silesiana is an international journal of linguistic studies. It will carry articles in English, French, German and occasionally in other languages. We welcome articles on the full range of linguistic and philological subfields, including phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, pragmatics, sociolinguistics, stylistics, metrics, language acquisition, contact, and change.

Spis treści ebooka Linguistica Silesiana, vol. 31


G. D r o ż d ż: Scope as a cognitive tool in tense analysis

E. B o g d a n o w s k a - J a k u b o w s k a: Party rituals revisited

M.A. S t ę p i e ń: Imágenes mentales y conceptos: su relación

en la fraseología somática hispano-polaca

N. K u d r n á č o v á: On pragmatic and cognitive processes

in meaning variation

M. K u c z o k: Between language and reality: metaphorical and metonymical

conceptualizations of God in the New Testament

P. L i g ę z a: Minimalist accounts of antecedent-contained

deletion constructions

A. K i j a k: Intrusive liquids in English

I. K i d a: The emergence of subordinate clauses in Old English

from paratactically conjoined structures

K. W a r c h a ł: Taking stance across languages: high-value modal verbs

of epistemic necessity and inference in English and Polish linguistics

research articles

J. S t a w n i c k a, A. Ł y d a: Polish achievements with expressions

of duration and their terminal recategorisation

C. J i n g: The analysis of the semantic bias in partially-directed compound

words of Modern Chinese

C. L a c h u r: ????????? ??????????? ? ?????????????? ?????????

? ???????? ?????: ???????????-?????????????? ?????

J. T a r s a: „???? ????????” – ?????????????? ?????? ???????


P. M a m e t: Changing patterns of Opel branding policy – a linguistic analysis

A. Ł y d a, A. J a c k i e w i c z, K. W a r c h a ł: Agentless structures

in interpreter’s output: Looking into the gender factor

A. W o j t a s z e k: What do we study when we study the use of borrowings

in advertisements?

M. Z a b a w a: The influence of English on the Polish language of Internet

message boards: investigating the role of individual differences and

the context

A. Ś w i ą t e k: Acquisition of English article system by Polish learners

in different proficiency groups

J. L a t k o w s k a: Conceptualization through the lens of language:

Implications for research into Polish-English bilingualism

A. Ś l ę z a k - Ś w i a t, M. S. W y s o c k a: The neural bases

of fossilization

Szczegóły ebooka Linguistica Silesiana, vol. 31

Rok wydania:
Typ publikacji:
Rafał Molencki
Liczba Stron:

Recenzje ebooka Linguistica Silesiana, vol. 31

Średnia ocena

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