Listening and Acouological Education

ebook Listening and Acouological Education Małgorzata Przanowska

Małgorzata Przanowska
Wydawca: Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
Rok wydania: 2019
Opis Spis treści Szczegóły Recenzje

The book is devoted to the analysis of the complex phenomenon of listening, with its own specific dynamics. Listening, understood as a way of being in the world, requires an acouological education, in which the logic of creative participation calls for a being with others that is responsible, inspiring, tasteful and that overcomes “reductionisms” in a translational way.

The publication is intended for those interested in the phenomenon of listening, the philosophy of education, contemporary pedagogy, philosophical hermeneutics, as well as the philosophy of music. It could become a source a inspiration for counselling, relations (also in the therapeutic dimension) and communication scholars and professionals.

The book is a very impressive, thoughtful and deep contribution to the fields of hermeneutics and education. The language is poetic, appealing and easy to follow. The examples used are touching and bring the theories to life. The author has a very thorough understanding of the field and finds unique ways to engage the reader with multiple ideas around listening, hermeneutics and education. […] The author’s contribution is also unique in a way as it includes philosophy, psychology, musicology, and education and communicates across the disciplinary boundaries. Important, distinctive and interesting links between thinkers, ideas and disciplines are being made. (Prof. dr hab. Barbara Weber)

Małgorzata Przanowska’s book restores to us in our thinking a fascinating resonance of our way of being in the world. It gives voice to the rustling aspect of thoughts, the vibrations of human bodies and the cosmos. The author is interested in the kind of energy that like an image penetrates the mind, but has a greater capacity for transposing movements through the entire substance of a human being. Through assiduous, in-depth and original research that has been expressed precisely, interestingly and clearly, the author develops her studies on hermeneutics, and the Gadamerian approach to it, that are focused on the issue of listening. (Dr hab. Rafał Włodarczyk)

This new “listening-based” philosophy of education abandons the prevailing activity-based concept of education which obviously has its own right wherever effectiveness is needed. By contrast, acouological education […] goes back to a layer where activity and passivity do not yet oppose to each other. When listening means understanding, it means self-articulation at the same time. […] We definitely need more education theory of this kind, namely philosophically informed and at the same time dealing not with other theories – but with processes and phenomena which are even closer to ourselves than our normal conceptual thinking. (Prof. dr hab. Philipp Thomas)


Książka jest poświęcona analizie wieloaspektowego, posiadającego swoistą dynamikę, fenomenu słuchania. Rozumiane jako sposób bycia w świecie słuchanie wymaga kształtowania akuologicznego (acouological education), w którym logika twórczego uczestnictwa zaprasza do odpowiedzialnego, translacyjnie przekraczającego „redukcjonizmy”, inspirującego i pełnego smaku bycia z innymi.

Publikacja przeznaczona dla osób zainteresowanych fenomenem słuchania, filozofią edukacji, współczesną pedagogiką, hermeneutyką filozoficzną, a także filozofią muzyki. Może stać się inspiracją dla środowisk zajmujących się poradnictwem, relacjami (również w wymiarze terapeutycznym) oraz komunikacją.


Małgorzata Przanowska – assistant professor in the General Education and Philosophy of Education Section of the Humanistic Foundations of Education Unit of the Faculty of Education at the University of Warsaw. She is also attending a postgraduate course in Composition at the Fryderyk Chopin University of Music.
Małgorzata Przanowska – adiunkt w Pracowni Pedagogiki Ogólnej i Filozofii Edukacji w Zakładzie Humanistycznych Podstaw Pedagogiki na Wydziale Pedagogicznym Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, słuchaczka Podyplomowych Studiów Kompozycji w Uniwersytecie Muzycznym Fryderyka Chopina.

Spis treści ebooka Listening and Acouological Education

Introduction. Intertwining of threads: Resounding contexts 7


1. The hermeneutic conversation and the piercing dialectics resounding in listening (overture fi gures: Hans-Georg Gadamer and Jean-Luc Nancy) 39
1.1. Conversations and things 39
1.2. Audibility of things and voice-mousikē 44
1.3. Dialectic versus sophistic speaking and
listening 49
1.4. Listening and freedom 52
1.5. Openness – understanding – questionness of
things 54
1.6. The conversation/listening that we are 58
1.7. Listening to light – ontological tonality and
the self 60
1.8. Sense and the logic of evocation 67
1.9. Someone as (hermeneutically dialectic) art 72
2. The hermeneutic priority of the question: Cultivating
the hermeneutic ear 77
2.1. Initial remarks: The formative how and a deep-
rooted liberation 77
2.2. The educational: Between question and listening
2.3. Ways of the question(ing): An approximation 85
2.4. Ways of listening: An approximation 88
2.5. Issue of education: An approximation 93
3. A mini-phenomenology of listening (or the small hermeneutic phenomenology of listening) 97
3.1. Conceptual ambiguity: Forms of listening 97
3.2. Unwitting listening and listening as
intentional, attentive hearing 100
3.3. Understanding/interpretative listening 105
3.4. Breathing listening or heart listening 108
3.5. Listening in action 111
3.6. Critical listening 112
3.7. Interrogative listening 114
3.8. Emancipatory-liberating listening 116
3.9. Recognizing/diagnostic listening 119
3.10. Instrumental listening 121
3.11. Psychologically therapeutic listening 126
3.11.1. Attentive-feeling listening and
mindfulness 130
3.11.2. Empathic listening 132
3.11.3. Actively conscious listening 136
3.11.4. Passive-impression listening 137
3.11.5. Relaxing-meditative listening 137
3.12. Philosophically therapeutic (therapeic)
listening 139
3.12.1. Dialogical listening and its polyphonic
doubleness 142
3.12.2. Musical listening and listening to music
3.12.3. The musical (mousikē-logos listening) in
the philosophical, or the musicality of the
wor(l)d 165
4. Interludium. Interweaving of meanings: (Trans-)formative (dialectic) mousikē 173


5. Listening in acouo-translation(al) education 201
5.1. The understanding of (transformative) acouo-
translation 201
5.2. Some myths about translation – some myths about
education 214
5.3. The listening culture (and the fi gure) of the
Meaningful Translator-Interpreter 221
5.4. Translation(al) listening or listening-for
translation 229
6. The sense of acouological education 232
6.1. Pedagogical apologias in contemporary dynamics
of/in education:Approaching the acouological in
education 232
6.2. The question of the hermeneutics of education:
The in-between of philosophy and pedagogy 255
6.3. The sense (reductions) and a sense of a “tasting
touch” recoveryin acouological education 262
6.4. Education(al) listening – formative listening
7. Coda: Acouo-Educator 276

Acknowledgments 281
Bibliography 282
Index 297

Szczegóły ebooka Listening and Acouological Education

Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
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Małgorzata Przanowska
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