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The Ecological Role of Abandoned Agricultural Lands in Buffer Zones Around Landscape Parks in the Łódź Voivodeship

Ebook The Ecological Role of Abandoned Agricultural Lands in Buffer Zones Around Landscape Parks in the Łódź Voivodeship

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The publication presents an evaluation of the ecological role of abandoned agricultural lands which exist around the seven landscape parks in the Łódź Voivodeship. In thirty-nine land abandonment study plots, arranged into thirteen groups, agrophysical and agrochemical analyses were conducted as well as phytosociological and mycological inventorying, in order to determine the relationships between the vegetation and macromycetes fungi and the abiotic features of the natural environment.
The role of geocomplex potential, the influence of adjacent urbanised areas and the development of touristic functions in rural areas were demonstrated in the spatial pattern of abandoned lands.
The research revealed a high diversity of vegetation, flora and macromycetes fungi, vulnerability to the impact from the neighbouring habitats and the importance of abandoned lands as refugia of species which enrich the biodiversity. At the same time, attention was drawn to invasive plant species of non-native origin, which may pose a threat to the natural phytocoenoses of protected areas.

Spis treści ebooka The Ecological Role of Abandoned Agricultural Lands in Buffer Zones Around Landscape Parks in the Łódź Voivodeship

1. Introduction (Jolanta Adamczyk, Stanisław Krysiak, Anna Majchrowska, Elżbieta Papińska) 7
2. Aim and scope of the work (Jolanta Adamczyk, Stanisław Krysiak, Anna Majchrowska, Elżbieta Papińska) 9
3. Methods 11
3.1. Landscape ecology methods (Stanisław Krysiak, Anna Majchrowska, Elżbieta Papińska) 11
3.2. Pedological methods (Stanisław Krysiak, Anna Majchrowska, Elżbieta Papińska) 14
3.3. Phytosociological and mycological methods (Jolanta Adamczyk) 14
4. Abandoned agricultural lands in buffer zones around landscape parks in the Łódź Voivodeship – habitat background, spatial distribution, scale of the phenomenon 15
4.1. Abandoned lands around landscape parks on the Pilica River (Przedbórz Landscape Park, Sulejów Landscape Park, Spała Landscape Park) (Stanisław Krysiak) 15
4.2. Abandoned lands around the Sieradz landscape parks (Załęcze Landscape Park, Warta–Widawka Interfluve Landscape Park) (Elżbieta Papińska) 22
4.3. Abandoned lands around the Łódź Hills Landscape Park and the Bolimów Landscape Park (Anna Majchrowska) 30
5. Pedological, floristic and mycological characteristics of the study areas 42
5.1. Abandoned land study plot groups in the buffer zone around landscape parks on the Pilica River (Stanisław Krysiak, Jolanta Adamczyk, Jarosław Sieradzki) 42
5.2. Abandoned land study plot groups in the buffer zone around the Sieradz landscape parks (Elżbieta Papińska, Jolanta Adamczyk, Jarosław Sieradzki) 72
5.3. Abandoned land study plot groups in the buffer zones around the Bolimów Landscape Park and the Łódź Hills Landscape Park (Anna Majchrowska, Jolanta Adamczyk, Jarosław Sieradzki) 99
6. Diversity of the flora and vegetation of abandoned farmlands 127
6.1. Diversity of species and habitat groups of the flora (Jolanta Adamczyk) 127
6.2. Vegetationstructure(Jolanta Adamczyk) 128
7. Diversity of macromycete communities (Jolanta Adamczyk) 134
8. Discussion 137
8.1. Abandoned lands in the buffer zones around landscape parks in the Łódź Voivodeship (Stanisław Krysiak, Anna Majchrowska, Elżbieta Papińska) 137
8.2. Abiotic properties of the abandoned land study plots in the Łódź Voivodeship (Stanisław Krysiak, Anna Majchrowska, Elżbieta Papińska) 141
8.3. Plant cover and fungi of the abandoned lands in the Łódź Voivodeship in comparison with abandoned land habitats in different regions of Poland (Jolanta Adamczyk) 146
8.4. Evaluation of the phenomena and processes which influence the plant cover and fungi of the analysed abandoned lands (Jolanta Adamczyk) 147
8.5. The importance of abandoned lands for sustaining the ecological processes in areas surrounding the landscape parks of the Łódź Voivodeship (Jolanta Adamczyk) 150
9. Conclusions 152
10. References 153
11. Ekologiczna rola odłogów stref otaczających parki krajobrazowe w województwie łódzkim (Streszczenie) 159

Szczegóły ebooka The Ecological Role of Abandoned Agricultural Lands in Buffer Zones Around Landscape Parks in the Łódź Voivodeship

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Stanisław Krysiak,Jolanta Adamczyk
Liczba Stron:
Czas realizacji zamówienia:
Do 10 min

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