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The Key Issues of Polish Penal Law

Ebook The Key Issues of Polish Penal Law Krzysztof Indecki, Justyna Jurewicz

Krzysztof Indecki, Justyna Jurewicz
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Opis treści

Humanism is also reflected in the Penal Code provisions concerning sentencing. These provisions require sentencing courts to take into account the personal traits and circumstances of the offender, his mode of living prior to committing the act and his behaviour after the offence. At the same time, the court is obliged to take into account the purpose of punishment, both with regards to its social impact and its preventive and re-educational aims in respect of the convict (art. 53 of the Penal Code). Based upon the principle of humanism the Code gives ground to the system of justice to less severe treatment of the offender who is responsible for an accidental offence, the negligence offence or when it is reasonable expecting that the offender, treated less severely, will not commit a new offence in the nearest future. The legal instruments for less severe treatment of an accidental offender include for example conditional discontinuance of proceedings concerning the offence – first of all – it should not be socially damaging (arts. 66–68). The book gives a view on the principles of Polish penal law. It consists of two parts which are divided due to the topics: general and special part of penal law. The authors present the commentary to the main institutions of Polish Penal Code. They show the most important provisions in the background of the doctrine and jurisprudence. The book is addressed both to the foreigners and the Poles who needs to improve their English in law.

Spis treści ebooka The Key Issues of Polish Penal Law

Introduction 8

General Part 18

Principles 18

Offence 19

Element excluding offence. Circumstances excluding or reducing the degree of fault 24

Forms of committing an offence 32

Concurrence of statutory provisions and concurrence of offences 40

Imposition of penalties 44

Penalties, penal measures and preventive measures 52

Penalties 52

Penal measures 55

Preventive measures 67

Special Part 70

Conclusions 112

Selected bibliography 114

Szczegóły ebooka The Key Issues of Polish Penal Law

Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Rok wydania:
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ISBN wersji papierowej:
Krzysztof Indecki,Justyna Jurewicz
Miejsce wydania:
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Czas realizacji zamówienia:
Do 10 min

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