The University of Warsaw

ebook The University of Warsaw Jerzy Miziołek

Jerzy Miziołek
Wydawca: Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
Rok wydania: 2017
Opis Spis treści Szczegóły Recenzje

Autor przedstawia najważniejsze epizody 200-letniej historii Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego oraz sylwetki jego rektorów, wybitnych profesorów i absolwentów, w tym Fryderyka Chopina. Publikacja jest wprowadzeniem w historię Uniwersytetu, a także przewodnikiem po jego historycznych gmachach, zbiorach odlewów gipsowych czy rycin i rysunków przechowywanych w Gabinecie Rycin Biblioteki Uniwersyteckiej. Autor omawia osiągnięcia i spuściznę Wydziału Nauk i Sztuk Pięknych (1816–1831) oraz Szkoły Sztuk Pięknych, która działała na terenie kampusu uniwersyteckiego w latach 1844–1862. Skupia się również na historii gmachów Uniwersytetu, jego godle i innych symbolach. Opisuje uniwersyteckie osiągnięcia naukowe i intelektualne na tle ważnych wydarzeń z historii Polski.

Publikację uzupełniają interesujące dodatki tematyczne dotyczące Mieszkania Chopinów na terenie głównego kampusu uniwersyteckiego, postaci Stanisława Kostki Potockiego, założyciela Muzeum UW, zbiorów mumii egipskich i sarkofagów należących do tegoż Muzeum (w depozycie Muzeum Narodowego w Warszawie) oraz uniwersyteckich noblistów. Całość wieńczy kalendarium dziejów Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego.

Publikacja, bogato ilustrowana mało znanymi materiałami, jest przeznaczona dla szerokiego kręgu czytelników.


The author gives an account of the most important events covering two hundred years of the history of the University of Warsaw and introduces profiles of its rectors, outstanding professors and graduates, among them Fryderyk Chopin. The book can be read as an introduction to the University’s history, and as a guide to its historic monuments and collection of plaster casts, as well as the engravings and drawings housed in the University Library Print Room. The author discusses the achievements and heritage of the Faculty of Science and the Fine Arts, and also of the School of Fine Arts, which existed on the University campus in the years 1844-1862. He also focuses on the history of the University buildings, its emblem and other symbols as well as he describes University’s scientific and intellectual achievements in the context of Poland’s history.

The book is complemented with the interesting appendixes referring to the Chopins’ apartment at the University Campus, Stanisław Kostka Potocki, founder of the Museum of the University of Warsaw, the collection of Egyptian mummies and sarcophagi (University of Warsaw deposit in the National Museum, Warsaw) and the University graduates who won the Nobel prize. The final part is the calendar of the University history.

This book, richly illustrated with little-known materials, is addressed to a wide circle of readers.

Spis treści ebooka The University of Warsaw

Introduction 9

I. Warsaw in the time of the Duchy of Warsaw and the Congress Kingdom (1807–1831) 21
Images and symbols 21
The inception of the Congress Kingdom 26
The last years of the Congress Kingdom 31
The cultural achievements of the Congress Kingdom

II. The establishment of the University of Warsaw 41
Plans for founding a University in Warsaw at the
turn of the eighteenth century 41
The Nobles’ Academy of the Corps of Cadets, or
the School of Chivalry 43
The founding of the University 53
The emblem and banner of the University 58
The inauguration of the University 59
The functioning and organization of the
University 64
Rector Wojciech A. Szweykowski 68
The University and the Society of Friends of
Learning 71
The role of Stanisław Kostka Potocki and
Stanisław Staszic in organizing education in
Warsaw 73
The monument to Nicolaus Copernicus 75

III. The Faculty of Science and Fine Arts – education and art 81
The programme of teaching of the “Fine Sciences”
The historic precinct of the University (the
Campus) 83
The Botanic Garden and Astronomical Observatory
in Aleje Ujazdowskie 96
Outstanding Professors of the Faculty of Sciences
and Fine Arts 100
Fryderyk Chopin’s university studies 105

IV. The Fine Arts Department and its role in shaping the artistic culture of Warsaw 111
The impact of the royal collection of sculptures
at the turn of the eighteenth century 114
The creation of the scientifi c and artistic
collections of the University 121
The functioning of the Fine Arts Department 127
The scholarship policy of the University 129
The University’s exhibitions of Fine Arts 130
The impact of the University’s academic circles
and of its collections of plaster casts and
prints on artistic culture in Warsaw 134
The history of a certain competition topic 138
The amphitheatre, or the painting studio
at the University of Warsaw 142

V. The period between the Uprisings and the legacy of the first University of Warsaw 153
The dissolution of the University and the fate of
its buildings to the mid-nineteenth century 153
The School of Fine Arts 1844–1862 155
The seat of the School of Fine Arts and its
professors 157
On some works of art of mid-nineteenth-century
Warsaw 163

VI. The Main School and its legacy 175
Positivist Background 175
The political situation in the Congress Kingdom
in the 1860s 176
The organization of the Main School, its
structure and functioning 178
The University buildings in the time of the Main
School 182
The legacy of the Main School 188
The January Uprising and the students of the Main
School 189
The closure of the Main School and opening of the
Imperial University 191
The University gate 194

VII. The University of Warsaw in the years 1915–1945 203
On the road to independence and rebirth 203
The functioning of the reborn University 212
The tragedy of the Second World War, the
University and the Warsaw Uprising 224

VIII. The University of Warsaw in the People’s Republic of Poland (1944/1952–1980) 239
Post-war reconstruction 239
Concerning old photographs, the University’s
banner and the Rector’s insignia 243
Eminent scholars and international congresses 247
Some thoughts on the University Library Print R
Room 249
March 1968 250

IX. The Solidarity Decade and the rise of the Third Republic 259
Signs of freedom, important visits and new
University buildings 268

X. New infrastructure and scientific achievements of the University of Warsaw in the years 2005–2017 285
Epilogue 309

Appendix 1. The Chopins’ apartment at the University
campus 315
Appendix 2. Stanisław Kostka Potocki. The Founder of the University of Warsaw Museum of the Fine Arts 325
Appendix 3. Letter of artists – professors of the Fine Arts Department of the Royal University of Warsaw 334
Appendix 4. Egyptian mummies and sarcophagi. The University of Warsaw deposit at the National Museum in Warsaw 341
Appendix 5. Nobel Prize laureates linked with the University of Warsaw 345
A calendar of the University of Warsaw’s history 354

Bibliography 375
Index 395
List of illustrations 421

Szczegóły ebooka The University of Warsaw

Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
Rok wydania:
Typ publikacji:
ISBN wersji papierowej:
Jerzy Miziołek
Miejsce wydania:
Liczba Stron:

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