Empowering Students’ Awareness for a Personalized Career Development
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ebook Empowering Students’ Awareness for a Personalized Career Development

Wydawca: Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
Rok wydania: 2022
Opis Spis treści Szczegóły Recenzje

This book provides university administrators, professors, and career specialists with a comprehensive introduction to the BE(A)ST (BE Aware Student) approach. The BE(A)ST approach aims at enhancing students’ awareness of personalized career development, fostering a connection between their professional identity, beliefs, and actions to support career awareness. With the BE(A)ST approach, we provide a solution to improve the alignment between the career and the life of our students. The Personalized Career Development (PCD) course based on the BE(A)ST approach and described in this book is the result of three research programs focused on the development of the method and on its adaptation, scientific validation, and dissemination.

This book is a must-read for anyone who is serious about career planning, life design or teaching about these ideas. It includes an extremely well researched and authoritative review of all the major books, methods and tools available and advances the state-of-the-art. With suggested improvements and refinements. It also packages these tools into several different university-level workshop and course formats and provides the authors' experiences with delivering these programs to students across different disciplines, cultures and countries.
(Steven A. Gedeon, BSc, MSc, MBA, Peng, PE, PhD, Associate Professor, Entrepreneurship and Strategy Department
Ted Rogers School of Management, Toronto Metropolitan University (formerly Ryerson University), Canada)

The publication is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Poland license (CC BY 3.0 PL) (full license available at: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/pl/legalcode).


Książka – przeznaczona dla kadry zarządzającej wyższych uczelni, nauczycieli akademickich i doradców zawodowych z uczelnianych biur karier – zawiera kompleksowe wprowadzenie do metodyki BE(A)ST (BE Aware Student). Metodyka ta ma na celu podniesienie świadomości studentów w zakresie spersonalizowanego rozwoju kariery oraz wzmocnienie związku między ich profilem zawodowym, własnymi przekonaniami a podejmowanymi działaniami wspierającymi świadomy wybór ścieżki rozwoju zawodowej. BE(A)ST jest zatem rozwiązaniem umożliwiającym dopasowanie kariery i życia osobistego studentów. Kurs Spersonalizowanego Rozwoju Kariery (Personalized Career Development – PCD) oparty na metodyce BE(A)ST i opisany w prezentowanej książce to wynik trzech programów badawczych skupionych na rozwoju metody oraz na jej adaptacji, naukowej walidacji i upowszechnieniu.

Publikacja na licencji Creative Commons Uznanie autorstwa 3.0 PL (CC BY 3.0 PL) (pełna treść wzorca dostępna pod adresem: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/pl/legalcode).

Spis treści ebooka Empowering Students’ Awareness for a Personalized Career Development

Introduction 9
Personalized Career Development course at a glance 10
Origins and approach to the course design 10
Personalized Career Development course general
guidelines 11
Personalized Career Development course structure and
tools 12
What you’ll find in the following chapters 13

CHAPTER 1. New world of work – new challenges 15
1.1 Understanding the challenges 15
1.2 The European Union context: programs addressing the challenges 16
1.3 Learning styles for a new generation 18
1.4 New challenges from the labor market 21
1.5 Challenges in career planning: the labor market and the students’ perspective 23
1.6 Rationale for a new approach 26

CHAPTER 2. BE(A)ST – an agile approach to discover, experiment, and learn 31
2.1 Motivations & aims of the BE(A)ST approach 32
2.1.1 Labor market changes and their influence on
career development 32
2.1.2 Career development as a wicked problem 33
2.1.3 BE(A)ST approach motivations and aims 35
2.1.4 BE(A)ST in the context of the foundations of
traditional and modern approaches 36
2.2 BE(A)ST approach structure – different frameworks, one unified methodology 41
2.3 Approach innovativeness 45
2.3.1 Design Thinking as a framework for career
prototyping, testing, and revising 45
2.3.2 Importance of being agile in career development
2.3.3 Why can BE(A)ST be considered as an agile
approach? 52
2.3.4 BE(A)ST as a comprehensive, multi-faceted
approach 54

CHAPTER 3. Methodology development 59
Introduction 59
3.1 BE(A)ST approach design 62
3.1.1 Phase 1. Tools selection 62
3.1.2 Phase 2. BE(A)ST experimentation through design
iterations 62
3.2 Students’ profiles design 65
3.2.1 Phase 3. Understanding students 65
3.2.2 Phase 4. Tool development – “Which Type of
Student Are You?” 72
3.3 Personalized Career Development course design 75
3.3.1 Phase 5. Matching needs and tools 75
3.3.2 Phase 6. Framework validation 81

CHAPTER 4. Methodology usage 87
4.1 Tools selection and order 89
4.2 Implementing Personalized Career Development at your university 91
4.3 Student profiles 93
4.3.1 Identification of students’ needs 93
4.3.2 The four student profiles 94
4. 4 Validated questionnaire – “Which Type of Student Are You?” 100
4.5 Selecting students 100
4.6 BE(A)ST approach with personalized paths 101
4.6.1 Profile A 103
4.6.2 Profile B 105
4.6.3 Profile C 109
4.6.4 Profile D 112

CHAPTER 5. Course outline 117
5.1 Course idea 118
5.1.1 Course aim & stakeholders 118
5.1.2 PCD course program 119
5.1.3 Course scalability 120
5.1.4 Environment 121
5.1.5 Validation of the learning outcomes 122
5.1.6 Pre & post-tests – self-reflection tool 124
5.2 Course syllabus 125
5.3 Different scenarios of implementation 126
5.4 Customization scenarios 127
5.4.1 Employment bureaus 127
5.4.2 Corporate HR departments 129
Appendices 132

CHAPTER 6. Tools and techniques 145
6.1 Self-Reflection stage 145
6.1.1 AEIOU 145
6.1.2 Career Mind Mapping (adapted for the Self-
Reflection stage) 148
6.1.3 Change of Perspective 149
6.1.4 Cognitive Reconstruction 151
6.1.5 External Observer 153
6.1.6 Good Time Journal 155
6.1.7 Life Dashboard 157
6.1.8 Role Identification (adapted for the Self-
Reflection stage) 159
6.1.9 Set Goals (adapted for the Self-Reflection
stage) 160
6.1.10 Talent Identification (adapted for the Self-
Reflection stage) 162
6.1.11 Well-Being Compass 164
6.2 Professional Identity Definition stage 166
6.2.1 Career Mind Mapping (adapted for the
Professional Identity Definition stage) 166
6.2.2 Design Life Principles 168
6.2.3 Identify Your Values 169
6.2.4 Role Identification (adapted for the
Professional Identity Definition stage) 172
6.2.5 Set Goals (adapted for the Professional
Identity Definition stage) 174
6.2.6 Talent Identification (adapted for the
Professional Identity Definition stage) 176
6.3 Career Scenarios Exploration stage 178
6.3.1 Career Mind Mapping (adapted for the Career
Scenarios Exploration stage) 178
6.3.2 Decision Trees 180
6.3.3 Odyssey Plan 181
6.3.4 Personal SWOT Matrix 183
6.3.5 Rich Pictures 187
6.4 Career Prototyping and Testing stage 188
6.4.1 Failure Reframe 188
6.4.2 Personal Business Model Canvas 190
6.4.3 Support Circle 195

Conclusions and further research 199
The expected results of personalized career paths 200
For universities 201
For students 201
For companies 201

Authors 203

Szczegóły ebooka Empowering Students’ Awareness for a Personalized Career Development

Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
Rok wydania:
Typ publikacji:
ISBN wersji papierowej:
Eric Guerci,Joanna Świętoniowska,Maria José Varadinov,Matteo Vignoli
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