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New Dynamics in Asia

Ebook New Dynamics in Asia

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The monograph illustrates different aspects of profound shifts in the economic, societal, political, and cultural landscapes of Asia. In three thematic blocks, it analyzes the US and the EU’s changing position in East Asia, China’s growing political and economic influence in the world, as well as the evolution of the Japanese democracy. By examining various dimensions of the politics, foreign policies, societies, and economics of selected Asian countries, it contributes to better understanding of a complex mosaic of intertwining interests of global and local powers in the region. A range of studies by Asia scholars stress the sudden rise of the People’s Republic of China, accompanied by a waning position of Western powers in the Asia-Pacific, as well as economic and political stagnation of Japan. While indicating different methods for containing China’s rise instituted by competing powers, as well as the social, humanitarian, political, and economic obstacles against the spread of the Chinese sphere of influence, the authors describe the dynamic changes that occurred on the Asian continent in the last decades.

Spis treści ebooka New Dynamics in Asia

Karol Żakowski, Evaluating the Dynamic Changes in Asian Countries 7

The Western Powers’ Changing Position in Asia 11

David Jervis, A Review and Evaluation of Recent Scholarship on America’s War in Vietnam 13
Su-chun Li, A Case Study of the Fulbright Program in Korea 27
David A. Jones, Managing Asia: A 21st Century “Chingbirok”? Opportunities in Trade Balanced Against Risk Factors in East, South, and Southeast Asian Security 43
Mateusz Smolaga, Targeting of EU Development Assistance in Asia 59

China’s Rising Influence in the World 79

Amandeep Singh Hanspal, The Belt & Road Initiative and Its Impact on Central Asia. Kazakhstan: A Case Study 81
Mateusz Chatys, The Patron-Client Concept in Relations between the People’s Republic of China and the Philippines 91
Przemysław Ciborek, Political and Economic Activities of the PRC on the Balkan Peninsula. Romania: A Case Study 111

Evolution of Japanese Democracy 129

Jinghao Zhou, Chinese Confucianism, Japanese Practice 131
Sylwia Łagnowska, Dynasties and Democracy in Japan 147
Karol Żakowski, Political Leadership vs. Prime Ministerial Leadership: Evolution of the Priorities in Decision-Making Reform in Japan 161

List of Figures 179

List of Tables 181

Szczegóły ebooka New Dynamics in Asia

Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Rok wydania:
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ISBN wersji papierowej:
Karol Żakowski
Miejsce wydania:
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Czas realizacji zamówienia:
Do 10 min

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