The Cooperation Between the Guides Team of ZHP Headquarters and WAGGGS (1991–2002)

ebook The Cooperation Between the Guides Team of ZHP Headquarters and WAGGGS (1991–2002) Ewa Witkowska

Ewa Witkowska, Wanda Czarnota
Opis Szczegóły Recenzje

The beginning of the cooperation between ZHP and WAGGGS is presented in Chapter 10 of the book: O harcerstwie żeńskim w Polsce. Zarys problematyki [About the Polish Guiding: Outline of the Issues] by Wanda Czarnota and Ewa Witkowska.

Today, nearly 30 years since returning to WAGGGS, Polish Scouting and Guiding remains an active member of a global Guiding family spanning 10.8 million girls in 153 countries and territories. Units in ZHP actively implement WAGGGS global programmes such as Free Being Me or Be the Change 2030 among others. They also celebrate World Thinking Day annually by engaging with the WAGGGS Activity Pack.

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