Entrepreneurship Education Built Upon the Concepts of Experience and Responsibility
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ebook Entrepreneurship Education Built Upon the Concepts of Experience and Responsibility Agnieszka Kurczewska

Agnieszka Kurczewska
Opis Szczegóły Recenzje

The heart of this monograph is to revisit existing knowledge on experiential pedagogy and then combine it with somehow forgotten concept of responsibility in order to enhance the fundaments of entrepreneurship education. This monograph aims to contribute to the dynamically developing fields of entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship education. This contribution is a refreshed, experience and responsibility-based, view into the learning process. lncluding these two concepts into theory and practice of entrepreneurship education and also investigating them from different perspectives may result in rethinking and advancing the way entrepreneurship education is executed. The monograph is an invitation to the discussion on entrepreneurship education and its foundations. lt tries to provide same answers to numerous questions, but also leaves a lot of them open, thus stimulates further reflections and research, exploring different facets and nuances of experiences and responsibility and their roles in entrepreneurship education.

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