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Psychological Perspectives on Health and Disease. Volume 1. Determinants of Somatic and Mental Health

Ebook Psychological Perspectives on Health and Disease. Volume 1. Determinants of Somatic and Mental Health

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Konrad Janowski, Daniel Pankowski, Kinga Wytrychiewicz Immune Power Personality Questionnaire – rationale, development and psychometric properties ........4

Gabriela Chojnacka-Szawłowska, Daniel Siemionko Cognitive representation of the disease, sense of coherence and health behaviour of women and men with type 2 diabetes ................................................17

Katarzyna Szymona-Pałkowska, Konrad Janowski Psychological and physiological predictors of affect in premenopausal and perimenopausal women.......42

Olena Falyova, Marianna Markova Health as a result of one’s own behaviour in women undergoing chronic stress..........................................57

Inna Gubenko, Angela Demchenko, Svetlana Mukomеl Sanogenic thinking of future specialists of the emergency medical aid service as a factor of counteraction to emotional stress and as a condition of preservation of their professional health.......77

Viktoriia Khramtsova Psychological determinants of health-saving behaviour and its disorders among young people with the status of a disabled-child ...............................................100

Anna Studzińska Workplace sexual harassment and its influence on employees’ psychological outcomes – a social perception perspective ................118.

Szczegóły ebooka Psychological Perspectives on Health and Disease. Volume 1. Determinants of Somatic and Mental Health

Wydawnictwo AEH
Rok wydania:
Typ publikacji:
ISBN wersji papierowej:
Konrad Janowski
Liczba Stron:
Czas realizacji zamówienia:
Do 10 min

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