The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership The 21st Century Agreement
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ebook The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership The 21st Century Agreement Wojciech Bieńkowski

Wojciech Bieńkowski, Adam K. Prokopowicz, Anna Dąbrowska
Opis Szczegóły Recenzje

Among several trade agreements recently concluded, TTIP is of a particular importance. It connects two leading economic power centers of the world - the European Union and the United States of America. Jointly they cover half of the world’s GDP. Regardless the particularities of the Agreement actual and potential confl icts of interests, protectionist policies and the like, the sheer weight of such an agreement is diffi cult to overestimate. It may shift the economic balance of power in the world, and reinstate the dominance of Europe and North America, and put a barrier to Asian expansion. To be successful however, the Agreement must overcome traditional rivalries, particularly on the Western side of the Atlantic. America should stop regarding Europe as a competitor and remember once more that she is the proud heir of the European heritage, culture and tradition. Th is book provides multidisciplinary information on TTIP trade agreement negotiating process

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