Women, Society and Law: from Roman Law to Digital Age

Ebook Women, Society and Law: from Roman Law to Digital Age

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Opis treści

The scientific texts which make up the presented publication have been written within the framework of a long-term cooperation of the academic staff of the Law Faculty of the SWPS Warsaw University of Humanities with Spanish and Italian universities.

This cooperation, which started many years ago on the initiative of Professor Bronisław Sitek and initially concerned issues of Roman law, has subsequently developed into a platform for scientific discussions, presentations and exchanges of views on many theoretical and practical issues of contemporary law. Many of these issues are, of course, rooted in Roman law, but concern important issues of current law.

The texts presented in this volume deal primarily with issues related to legal regulations concerning women’s rights in the broad sense and the role of women in social life today and in various earlier historical periods, ranging from ancient Rome and ancient China, through the witch trials of the 17th century, to contemporary problems of discrimination against women . Articles dealing with such issues make up the first part of the collection.

The second part consists of texts on new technologies, especially their influence on contemporary social life in various areas.

Finally, the third part of the collection consists of works connected with legal regulations of family life, also in different historical periods

Szczegóły ebooka Women, Society and Law: from Roman Law to Digital Age

Elipsa Dom Wydawniczy i Handlowy
Rok wydania:
Typ publikacji:
ISBN wersji papierowej:
Małgorzata Eysymontt,Carmen Lázaro Guillamón
Miejsce wydania:
Liczba Stron:
Czas realizacji zamówienia:
Do 10 min

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